Татьяна Буланова боится говорить сыну о расставании с супругом The artist admitted that he had a divorce with football player Vladislav Radimov. In recognition of the singer, the decision to part with his second half was weighed. However, the heir of Tatiana and Vladislav are not yet aware of the situation.

      In early December, the singer Tatyana Bulanova announced the divorce with football player Vladislav Radimov. The actress made a post on his microblog, in which he thanked him for the years spent in marriage. However, after some time, the woman removed the publication, which caused a lot of questions from fans. They could not believe what Bulanova finally decided to leave her husband. Until recently, the celebrity has remained silent about the situation. However, the other day she explained to reporters the reasons for his action and told about quarrels with the now ex-husband.

      Tatyana Bulanova has confirmed her divorce from her husband

      Tatiana Bulanov confessed that the parting with her husband is painful for her subject. According to celebrity, she’s already divorced with Radimov. But 9-year-old actress doesn’t know yet that the parents are no longer together. The singer believes that all the time, so is in no hurry to tell nick the news. That is why the star has decided to remove the post in Instagram, which said goodbye to a former lover. She also frankly told about the reasons that prompted her to dot the “i” in a relationship with Vladislav.

      “Most worried about the youngest son. I understand that it is all somehow relate to. Deleted the post about the divorce on her page in the nets, to avoid any negative reviews so that my son didn’t read it. Wrote it and realized that was stupid. While we didn’t discuss… the Shore of his feelings. It’s a shame when families are crumbling, but it so happens that it is better to leave than to torment each other. We lost harmony, which was…” – said Tatiana Bulanova reporters.

      Celebrity also explained why he decided not to save the marriage for the family. In recognition Bulanova, it sickens insincerity in relations with close people. Despite the fact that Radimov is a wonderful father, a former harmony will not return. She also admitted that her decision to divorce was carefully thought through.

      Recall that the marriage with Radimov was the second in a row for Bulanova. Wedding actress and the football player took place in October 2005.

      Before you marry a football player, Tatiana has lived thirteen years with Nikolai Tagriny. According to the singer, she continues to communicate with the former spouse, who remains its producer. At the moment Tagrin happy in a civil marriage with his young wife, told Bulanov kp.ru.