Баста выплатит компенсацию Децлу

For every word will have to answer. At the meeting of the Rostov court ruled to recover from Vasily Vakulenko, he’s the rapper that’s 50 thousand rubles moral damages to Cyril Tolmatskogo, he’s a rapper Decl for the fact that the offender called the plaintiff’s “hairy dick”.

A few days ago it became known that the expression of Vakulenka, a study which was conducted by the staff of the Department of experimental lexicography Institute of Russian language named after V. V. Vinogradov, in particular Professor Anatoly Baranov, cannot be considered obscene. Nevertheless, the Rostov court considered it an insult that brought moral harm Declo.
The last demanded from Vakulenka million rubles, but the court considered this amount too high. Basta has previously said in court that such expressions are part of hip hop culture. At a meeting held a few hours ago, He did not appear, but sent instead of itself the lawyer.