Янина Студилина рассказала о своем необычном прозвище
Star of TV series “the Island” has shared plans for the future.

Janina Studilina

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Janina Studilina admitted that she and her husband (Alexander Rodnyansky, Jr., the son of the producer of channel STS. — A comment red.) thinking about the children.

“We really want children — shared the actress. — However, it still depends on my shots, and so far only addressed the issue of whether to remove
the second season of “Islands”. By the way, here I had an unusual nickname Pekarangan.
It stands for “it’s too early (to give birth), Yes, Ian?”. But still
first of all, I’m a woman, then an actress. So soon
want to have children. Not sure it will happen in the next year or within
three to five years, but it will happen.”

Over baby names the couple haven’t decided but are sure that they will be unusual.

“I have the most difficult name — Ioannina, —
says the actress. — When I was born, my parents considered many options: Julia, Diana,
Jan. And grandma said, “Why wouldn’t she be, Yanina?” And regardless
grandma’s dad found this name and said that he likes. It turns out
my grandmother with my dad called, Yanina, and my mother succumbed. I
told me that when I was little, my dad walked over to the crib and
said, “Yes, beautiful women can’t be, but maybe we will be smart”.
Apparently, I was a funny child. Then, perhaps, more on the girl
was like. You know, dad wanted a son, and the mother promised that boy
will. And he appeared 16 years later — my brother Gleb. Remember, I was
a high school student, walking with a stroller and very shy. I thought
passers-by look at me and think: “worked up”. But I was always the brother
bound. Now Hleb for 15 years, he dreams of becoming a hockey player. Mom says
complex our family: one an artist, another hockey player. Difficult profession,
it would seem out of reach. And I certainly value their profession, but no
any role that would be more important to me than family”.

Full interview with the actress about the relationship with her husband and the filming of the TV series “the Island” here>>

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