ВИДЕО: Стас Костюшкин гордится достижениями своего сына
The singer surprised the skillful hands of Myron.


11 h

ВИДЕО: Стас Костюшкин гордится достижениями своего сына

Our children – our pride !!! @karapylka

Stas Kostyushkin shared the achievements of his eldest son Martin.
“I am by nature can’t do anything with his hands, — shared the singer. I can
to break. Break turns easily but not to. So proud of my son!”

Star dad proudly showed that Martin in
over the two days attracted a huge LEGO, one statement to which
has 159 pages.

It is no secret that Stas loves his children, and every time
violently happy by getting something made by the hands of his sons.

So when the singer turned 45 years old, is the most valuable gift he felt
collage made by his wife Yulia and children. Everyone left on their
“signature” in the form of a handprint.