Ольга Арнтгольц беременна вторым ребенком
The baby’s father will be the former husband of Olga Krasko.

Ольга Арнтгольц беременна вторым ребенком

Olga Arntgolts

Photo: “7 Days”

Dmitry Petrun

Photo: “7 Days”

In the life of 34-year-old Olga Arntgolts — nice
changes: the actress is pregnant again. The father of her second child will be directed
Dmitry Petrun, he is the former husband of actress Olga Krasko.

It is known that Arntgolts and Petrun
met on the set of the television series “the Officers ‘wives”: they are relationships in a record
fastest time went out of business in a friendly and then romantic.

We will remind, last year Olga officially
divorced from her first husband, actor and TV presenter Vakhtang Beridze. From him
the star has a daughter Anna, which this year was 3 years old. Colleagues
the actress said that she doesn’t really talk about how the month
pregnancy is, but went on maternity leave: Olga did not go into the service
The theatre of Nations and not doing any film projects.

officially divorce Arntgolts with bubsheim spouse ended 5
October 2015. On divorce, they asked the judge on 9 September:
in the star family discord occurred, it became known a few weeks

lost interest to each other suddenly: not only their friends but also for themselves.
In may last year on the birthday of Anfisa Chekhova Olga and Vic was
inseparable, like all six years of marriage they behaved like newlyweds. But in the summer
relationship Arntgolts and Beridze gave a crack. Even a little daughter spouse Anna made them
to keep the family together. According to friends of the couple, the initiator of the divorce became Olga.