Настасье Самбурской поставили диагноз
The singer did not plan for the distant future.

Настасье Самбурской поставили диагноз

Nastasya Samburski

Photo: @samburskaya Instagram Nastasya Samburski

Photo: @samburskaya Instagram Nastasya Samburski

Nastasya Samburski recently made the decision to get your body tattoo. The singer was about to brag to fans of the original idea of the pattern to perpetuate, suddenly faced a wave of indignation and disapproval on the part of subscribers. The fact that the idea of the actress was to “fill” the phrase in English: “I love you”. But this line Samburski had planned a special way to “cross out” and bottom to add — “I Love myself”.

The reaction of the subscribers to this original idea was not long in coming. The fans have given Nastasya diagnosis of “narcissistic selfish”. And began rudely in the comments to discuss the character of the actress. There were also fans who decided that in fact the star is suffering from unrequited love and with the help of tattoos want to immortalize their feelings. Nastasia was forced to comment on these assumptions in his microblog.

“I’ve laid out, crept of the sofa… Yes, there is no psychologists in this tattoo hidden meaning! Do not suffer me! Hurts my soul and resentment on anyone, no! — wrote Samburski. — I live, work, and enjoy life as before intolerant of idiots and other mischief, trying to diagnose me! It’s just a tattoo…”

Nastasia also admitted: it was a little worried about how it will look this tattoo in old age. Because the artist prefers not to look that far into the future.