Ким Кардашьян вернулась к социальным сетям

Hello again! After a month break, a bit after the Paris robbery, star of the reality show “living with the Kardashian” Kim Kardashian returned to social network.

Gradually, though slowly, spouse Canin Vesta returns to normal life. Last week she was spotted backstage at a show her husband, where they filmed one of the episodes of the reality show, the evening of the same day in a long white posure and probably shorts (it’s hard to tell), Kim bought ice cream. It was the first steps Kardashian to return to its former life.
Now Kim is back in the social network to the huge happiness of her fans. The Kardashian advent of social networking has started with three posts. On Facebook she posted a new photo, I provided a link to information about a new app for smartphones KimKardashianWest filed her assistant Stephen Sheppard, and published an old video of the celebration of Halloween.
Recall that after the Paris robbery and the Hôtel de Pourtalès Kardashian became paranoid. She was afraid to be alone and now with her is always a security staff or someone from relatives. From-for endured stress she completely interrupted the communication with the public and does not even appear in the final episodes of the 12th season of the reality show “living with the Kardashian”.