Солистка группы IOWA показала фото с тайной свадьбы The ceremony was held recently in Karelia. Katya ivanchikova married his colleague Leonid Tereshchenko. A couple of a long time did not comment the information about the upcoming celebration, but recently decided to make an exception.

      Soloist of the popular group IOWA Katya ivanchikova has played a secret wedding with his counterpart, guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko. According to journalists, the happy event in the lives of the musicians happened recently in Karelia. At the wedding ceremony of Kate and Leonid was attended by only close friends and relatives of the couple. The artist did not write about changing your social status on Instagram and did not comment on relationship with Tereshchenko. However, recently ivanchikova made an exception and published the first photograph of the occasion.

      “I decided to share an important day in our life…,” wrote the soloist of IOWA in his Instagram hinting at a secret wedding.

      The picture shows the room in which the children play. It furnished a modest but festive. The space is decorated with garland on the table next to the bed are the pots. Also in the photograph you can see a magnificent dress with open back. Apparently, this wedding dress Ivanchikova.

      Fans of Katie greeted her with a happy event. “Happiness and long love,” “All the best to you, Joy and all the best”, “Cheers!”, “Let every day be good and your life will appear probably the most expensive sun”, “Very happy for you,” wrote Ivanchikova followers in the comments to the publication.

      Recall that the rumors about the affair and the wedding of Ivanchikova and Tereshchenko were quite a long time, but the participants IOWA did not comment on their relationship. When she was interviewed, she said that her partner is also from show business. Ivanchikova said that two creative people easy to get along. In November last year the actress told the media that preparing for the wedding and chooses a wedding dress. However, the name of the beloved singer did not disclose. However, IOWA fans were convinced that beloved Cat and is another member of the team Leonid, the author of the famous hits “Minibus” and “Smile”.

      In March of this year in press the information appeared that Katya and Ivan got married in secret. Friends of the couple told reporters that they met about seven years. Friends of the musicians have long perceived them as husband and wife.