Айза Анохина поразила стройной фигурой после родов A celebrity who became a mother two weeks ago, has surprised his subscribers with incredible form. ISA says that she tries to eat right and take care of your skin. However, among the followers Anokhina there were those who accused her in the use of retouching.

      31-year-old ISA Anokhin became a mom in early October, shared in his Instagram a picture of her slim figure. The woman also told how she was able to quickly get in shape two weeks after giving birth. According to ISA, she always moisturizes your skin and tries to follow their diet. The woman believes that all you need to do right, so to drop those extra pounds she plans gradually. Anokhin did not wish to cause harm to your body.

      Many fans of the celebrity noted that the young mother looks amazing, and asked Anokhina questions about her lifestyle. One of podeschi ISA asked if she liked coffee. What star Instagram said that never drink this drink. The woman also told about her diet – she prefers grilled meat boiled and stewed.

      However, not all followers Anokhina shared the opinion of the majority. There were those who accused the star-to-use graphical editors. According to them, a slim figure ISA is not the result of diet. The woman was quick to refute the speculation and published your photo without filters. “For those who don’t believe. It is a pity that there are such,” wrote the star in Instagram.

      “How? It’s easy! To eat properly during pregnancy, every day, to smear themselves with oil, do not be lazy to bring skin elasticity can only be constantly hydrating. Immediately after birth the stomach back in place. Yes, maybe it is also genetics, as many people like to write! But it can be fooled. After delivery it took exactly two weeks. I didn’t do anything with them, just eating and drinking balance” – shared ISA with your subscribers.

      Anokhin also talked about their problem areas. So, her skin not yet returned to normal after childbirth. But ISA is not in a hurry and I’m sure after a few months of training the muscles will be the same as before. In addition, Anokhin believes that her hands are far from ideal.

      “Yes, I am now flabby, and even have cellulite on thighs. But after two months of sports and massages it all goes. I’m in no hurry and I will do everything in mind and without harm to health. I have a problem area – arms, working on them for like two years,” said ISA.