Джастин Тимберлейк рассказал об отцовстве

American singer Justin Timberlake for a year is-year-old father of Silas, but still can’t get enough of his new status and happiness, which he gave to wife Jessica Biel. In an interview Today he talked about the upbringing of your baby and how the son has changed everything in his life.

Джастин Тимберлейк рассказал об отцовстве
“A baby drastically changes everything. You’re literally like waking up from a sleep, look in the mirror and say to yourself “I don’t know what to do with all this”..
I could never write a song “Can’t Stop the Feeling” so, how did it if I didn’t have my baby. When I wrote it, I thought that my son will listen to it,” admitted Justin.

Timberlake was not able to keep silent about his wife Jessica and how I admire her ability to cope with the child.
“I sometimes look at her and think, “How does she know what is to be done? Wow!”.This is incredible!” — said the singer.