Кит Харрингтон сыграет знаменитого заговорщика Гая Фокса

The actor who gained immense popularity after starring in the TV series “Game of thrones” kit Harrington is considering participation in the new telestore.

The Internet portal Deadline reports that Keith became interested in the film adaptation of the life of the conspirator guy Fawkes, who once almost made a great revolution in Britain.

At the moment the project is at the stage of developing ideas. The working title of the miniseries “Gunpowder”. In addition to participating in the series as an actor, Harrington intends to take and the production function.

It is worth saying that to the guy Fox kit is relevant. The actor repeatedly said that he is a direct descendant of one of the main supporters of Fox – Robert Catsby.

Start date on the series yet unknown.

Synopsis: in England in 1605 a group of radical Catholics led by guy Fawkes tried to blow up the house of lords and kill king James the First to regain power in Britain, the Catholic Church. The conspiracy and the attack failed: 5 November guy Fawkes was discovered in the Palace of Westminster, guarding the explosives. This story is called “Gunpowder plot”, November 5 is still celebrated as guy Fawkes Night, when fireworks and burn an effigy of the famous conspirator.