У дочери Юли Началовой появится брат

The daughter of singer Yulia Nachalova the Faith will become a big sister. About it the actress said in a new TV show “the Secret million dollar leading Lera Kudryavtseva.
It turns out that Julia’s ex-husband soccer player Yevgeny Aldonin will soon become a father for the second time – his wife Olga is about to give birth him a son.

“Zhenya is in a very short period of time to be born second child. For me it’s a very exciting event because my daughter appears brother,” said Nachalova. Soon appeared in the Studio, and Faith itself, which confirmed that the eagerly awaits the appearance of her brother in the light, and also wants that a mother can give her baby brother or sister. Julia once told her daughter that and she wants the same, but when it happens, she doesn’t know.
Nachalova admitted that he had some health problems that prevent pregnancy, and now waits when the husband will end his career.
“At first, I did my health had some problems. And now I think I need to Sasha first, finished his career, and then we will plan the birth of children”- said Julia.
Recall that with the civil husband hockey player Alexander Frolov Julia lives a civil marriage with 2014. Despite a tattoo with the initials of the man she loved and a gorgeous ring on your finger, not in a hurry Nachalova milestones to schastlivimi news of the consummation of the marriage.