Сестра Аделины Сотниковой поступила в колледж при МИДе Mary finished school and successfully passed the exams. The girl was enlisted on a speciality “Documentary maintenance of management and archival studies”. After finishing school, Junior Sotnikova will be able to find a job in the best companies in the country.

      Younger sister of Olympic champion – 18-year-old Masha, who suffers from treacher Collins syndrome, ” he finished boarding school for deaf children. The other day she went to College at the Ministry of foreign Affairs on a speciality “Documentary maintenance of management and archival studies”. The girl worked really hard, passed the entrance test and passed a big competition.

      “We have a pretty serious selection process, the total certification score should be higher than 4”, say in school “StarHit”. College tuition is not cheap – about 150 thousand roubles a year. However, for the money, the applicants propose to practice in the best companies in the country: the government of the Russian Federation, the state Duma, the Moscow Mayor’s office.

      We will remind that Maria Sotnikova from birth had problems with hearing, speech, and facial bones. Despite these flaws, the mother of the sisters Sotnikova not abandoned the child, and bravely fought for the girl’s health. Masha was adoptives in the community, made lots of friends and leads the life of an ordinary teenager. Adelina support his sister in all her endeavors. Famous athlete even paid one of the actions of Mary.

      “They didn’t tell me what you need to help Masha, Masha severe problems. I saw myself knew. Yes, they said that Masha has such a disease, but they did not understand that I can help her. I started to understand when I went on my first Grand Prix when I realized that for this you get prize money. The parents knew, I announced that the money I’m saving up for the operation Mache. She’s deaf, it’s not very good, a lot of defects, actually. Now, after surgery, there are changes. And later she will have more time to do. I can, of course, because who else?”, – said Adelina Sotnikova, in one of the television.