Дарья Пынзарь вызвала восторг поклонников стойкой на голове Daria Pynzar surprised fans a good physical preparation. Sergey Pynzar on his page in the social network posted a photo where his wife appeared in an unusual position of the body.

      The mother of two children Daria Pynzar repeatedly surprised others with their stroinoi figure. Despite the fact that she gave birth to her second child just four months ago, the girl, together with her husband Sergey is actively involved in sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Pynzar decided to show in his microblog that reached his wife.

      “How I live with Daria Pynzar, so many wonder,” admitted Sergey on Instagram.

      Judging by the photos, Daria does not bother or wet pavement or bad weather. She confidently holds a vertical bar standing on my head, what brings rave reviews from the followers. The majority acknowledged that Pynzar recovered really quickly after the second birth, and her figure once again become slim. Some felt that the woman even began to look much better.

      “Good, Daria!”, “Wow. Good job!”, “Skinny legs, ankles, thin”, “Just a role model to all,” wrote the subscribers in Instagram.

      Some of the users started asking the Minister questions about how his wife was able to achieve similar results. Someone even envy Pinzaru, admitting that he sports his wife, about which you can dream of.” Pregnant Darya Pynzar visits the gym.

      Daria herself has repeatedly admitted that you tend to have excess weight, which she carefully struggling. The second pregnancy was for girls less painful, because she was able to set up your body. The last photo of a young couple from a trip to Prague a few nastroil fans. After all, spouses do not deny yourself the use of hard and “cheese” – extraordinary food. Daria and Sergey justify their position that after a holiday will continue to enjoy the gym and keep myself in great shape.