Что нам известно о цыганке Виолетте Поляковой St. Petersburg’s witch for a long time been engaged in omens, both white and black, helped to heal people and to avoid fatal mistakes. Now she has come to “Battle of psychics” to prove their uniqueness.

      Violetta Polyakov is one of the most mysterious member of the 17th season of “Battle of psychics”. About her personal life it is known very little. His prophetic abilities, the lady is my grandmother. It is from cousin passed these abilities. But for a long time no one could detect something supernatural, until one morning the girl came running in tears to her grandmother not telling her about the impending death of your beloved cat. This prediction proved fatal, and then violet began to develop transferred skills.

      Gypsy often uses in his work of divination, magic spells and love spells. For a long time she could not accept his uniqueness. Childhood Violetta was extremely difficult. At a very early age she survived 14 clinical deaths. All this time beside her was her grandmother as a girl who was born seriously ill, and his own mother refused her further education. The doctors claimed that the child will not last long. Despite the fact that Polyakova’s had all his childhood to go to the doctors and hospitals that the experts ‘ predictions did not materialize. However, a noticeable defect of the eye for several years did not give violet the opportunity to live in peace and arrange their own destiny.

      The project “Battle of psychics” viewers know Violeta as His. This is her psuedonym. She considers herself a witch-housekeeper. Searching for clues to the unknown girl only uses their hand spells. On one of the first challenges in the “Battle of psychics”, which was called “Screen”, Violetta Polyakov put a curse on the woman, it should be noted, she demanded. It has caused unequivocal reaction of the audience who condemned the act of the witch. Project participant justified this way that considers it his duty to help anyone celleco regardless of what he asks.

      New “Battle of the psychics: the millionaire, the risen prophet and adviser to Yeltsin.

      “By age 16 I already knew the whole mystery potustoronnego the world. I realized that I’m not a psychic is not a magician, but a real witch,” said violet.

      Many of the viewers and chief skeptic of the transfer of Sergei Safronov alerted the burns on the hands of Violetta. She explained that received them for the reason that are unable to put a protective block. She wanted to change the destiny of man, and during the ritual the girl took all the negativity on yourself. As told then husband of Violetta, she put her hands on a lit burner and began to say goodbye to him. He was stopped in time spouse.

      For more than ten years of practice, Polyakova worked with different people, to help them in person or at a distance. She says that can conduct rituals to harmonize relations, to use a voodoo doll to open the money channels and more. The witch has it own personal website and official group in the social network where she talks in detail about their abilities and gives people a different kind of advice.

      Marat Basharov spoke about the behind the scenes of “the battle of psychics.”

      Most importantly, according to Polyakova, what it has achieved is a happy and big family. Witch’s husband Alexander is an individual entrepreneur, who, along with her raising five children. It should be noted that the firstborn of the spouses inherited the same defect with eyes like his mom. Today Violetta has not yet had time to fully unleash his full magical potential. It is likely that in the next show she will be able to do it. Anyway, in social networks it already has its own army of fans who strongly support her initiatives.

      “Violet, you are wonderful, you have such a radiant smile. On the screen look gorgeous good luck to you too!” “You’re such an awesome member of the Battle of psychics, God bless you and your family good health! And I sincerely wish you success in the project of battle of the psychics. I believe in you and in your victory!”, “Good for you, I hope you win. Just please don’t become conceited like many psychics!”, write Violetta subscribers in Instagram.