Никита Джигурда рассказал, как он стал наследником миллионов

The events of recent months changed dramatically the life of Nikita Dzhigurda. The most interesting and unusual was the inheritance of his late godmother Ludmila Bratash. A woman bequeathed the Chair more than 800 million rubles.

Still Nikita was not commented suddenly, leaning wealth. Becoming the guest of the program “live” entertainer has placed all points over I.

The chair stated that a potential heir to this vast fortune could be the sister Bratash. Some time she even tried to subjugate the will of the sisters, and introduced her into a state of indecision and undermined her health, to subsequently take possession of all its millions. But Ludmila was found Nikita, who actually became her family.

Никита Джигурда рассказал, как он стал наследником миллионов

“Lucy had an abortion from a loved one. Twins – a boy and a girl. Then she could not have children. It was her pain, the tragedy. When we met, she told me of the pain. We took her to the witch, who said: “You need to become godmother. You son born to your friends signal. Your twins. First boy come, and then the girl.” And when Angele was born, there was no questions of who will be the godmother. And next year Eva was born, fair-haired, like Lucy more than Anisina,” admitted the chair.

By the way, in the Studio of Nikita came up with the original will, according to which he is heir Bratash.

Challenging this document does not make sense, because by Liudmila on Testament assigned the following: “Please consider my will in the will final given that on the part of other persons, including my sister Romanova Svetlana and my driver Kuranova Dmitry possible fraud, blackmail and violence”.