Том Хиддлстон прокомментировал расставание с Тейлор Свифт

At the ceremony of the “Emmy” Tom Hiddleston confirmed the breakup with Taylor swift and said they were with the singer.

Том Хиддлстон прокомментировал расставание с Тейлор Свифт

The rumors about the breakup of Tom Hiddleston (Tom Hiddleston) and Taylor swift (Taylor Swift) appeared in the beginning of September. On September 18, the actor has appeared on the Emmy awards alone. On the question of People magazine about his relationship with the singer, Hiddleston replied that they are with swift.

Том Хиддлстон прокомментировал расставание с Тейлор Свифт

Insiders E! News say that for the after party awards Tom Hiddleston has already flirted with Chopras Priyanka (Priyanka Chopra). “At the meeting, he hugged her and held her close. Then they talked for a while and held hands. Priyanka straightened his bow tie and then double-kissed cheeks,” says an eyewitness.

Relationship swift and Hiddleston extend three months. Their romance began in mid-June. The couple almost almost immediately introduced each other with their parents. They also celebrated together the independence Day of USA and traveled to Italy. In August, talking about problems between the actor and a singer, and in a couple of weeks Taylor and Tom broke up.