Дочь продюсера Пугачевой заявила о гомосексуальной связи отца и сводного брата

Yesterday we talked about the fact that relatives who had died suddenly producer Oleg Nepomniachtchi started the war for his legacy. Since the death of the man was not yet forty days, and his son and daughter are already concerned about the question of who would get a big-property.

The daughter of Oleg Naumovich, Anna, accused his brother of illegal machinations. Supposedly, Alexander (the name of the son.) while still living away from his father a huge sum of money, which bought several apartments, also, after the death of producer, took possession of all documents, including last will and Testament.

Yesterday Anna said that in fact Alexander Oleg Naumovich nobody has. The woman says that the guy in the family that took kindness.

Today found out even more shocking details of the story. as it turned out, even the adopted son of producer Alexander Nepomnyashchy difficult to call: according to Anna, not so long ago she learned that the father and “brother” more than 20 years, was in intimate connection.

“For me this is a big shock — confessed forgetful. — It turned out, knew many in the entourage of his father, just nobody said anything”.