У мужа Бородиной проблемы со здоровьем из-за прихода осени

The arrival of autumn is already clearly felt. The days are noticeably cooler, however, mindful of the hot summer, we think that it is too early to get jackets and hiding from the chilly wind. The same mistake was made by the husband Ksenia Borodina Groban lobster and paid the price for his carelessness.

The businessman admitted that autumn breeze played with it a cruel joke that today he pays with poor health: “Early in the t-shirt went until late autumn. Yesterday, the breeze in the neck just blew – all day today head barely spinning.
The body hints at the age – shared the lobster in the social network, illustrating post photo with his star wife.

As we can see from the photo, Kurban quick to learn from their mistakes and in the photo posing is already insulated.

By the way, autumn, as you know, time, thought-provoking lyrical ideas. Lobster here was no exception: “So has advantages and, after all, age is experience and wisdom,” he continued. — Not thrilled with sugary praise and not to react to “a dog barking” I also with age have learned. Previously, it was believed that who speaks loudly and defiantly strong. Today understand that a strong the one who is silent. The strong can afford to be real, leaving each “barking dog” without attention”.

Followers men were impressed by his mental fortitude and wisdom, as written in the comments: “way to go, dogs bark, Kurban is” a Smart guy, right reasons”, “Words not the boy, but a man,” “this is creepy ran”.