Никита Джигурда: «Теперь я буду вызывать духов на греческой вилле для миллионеров» Showman intends to invest, who bequeathed him a friend before he died, in the creation of a centre for spiritual practices. Nikita Dzhigurda intends to leave acting and devote themselves to other activities.

      Никита Джигурда: «Теперь я буду вызывать духов на греческой вилле для миллионеров»

      Six months ago, the cross mother of a seven year old son of a figure skater Marina Anisina those and actor Nikita Dzhigurda was found dead in a Moscow apartment. This story made a lot of noise, and still a number of issues remains outstanding. Nikita Dzhigurda said at the outset that he considers guilty of the death of friend Ludmila Bratash her sister and the driver.

      Nikita Dzhigurda about the death of a close friend: “she was killed by Her sister and a driver!”

      “Relatives of Lucy buried her without telling anyone, with a fractured skull, impaled drugs and alcohol in the grave of the relatives of the driver Dmitry Kuranov. We know this from Germany, I 40 days personally read the burial service over her. On the 9th day, I know she forgave his murderers, but that’s a different story on the mystical-religious level”
      Никита Джигурда: «Теперь я буду вызывать духов на греческой вилле для миллионеров»

      Around legacy 56-year-old owner of elite air El air a struggle. “We received threats from unknown persons, said the “StarHit” Nikita. – In order to protect his wife and children, I sent them abroad. Marina, son Mick-angel Krist and daughter Eva-Vlad – the citizens of France. In Paris they called the police, and they put a few guards-the feds. I need to gather in Moscow the documents for the court to October 4, to prove that the inheritance belongs to me and my family.”

      Dzhigurda has a personal bodyguard, but it was not enough. Magician Ivan Shabanov, nicknamed the Priest helped Nikita and held a ceremony in his house, and gave amulet Vedic dagger.

      “I myself own various practices, so I was grateful to the strong psychic,” says the chair. After the decision on succession will be made, showman intends to start a new life – to change his name and occupation. “With the name of the chair was connected to my acting career – says Nikita. – Removing it from the passport, I cease to act, to play in the theater and leaving the profession. I will Bratash JI: the first part of Lucy – as a tribute and the ability to continue its kind, the second part – from the old name, ” and will center of spiritual practices “the Ark” for millionaires, which will invest the money friend.”
      Никита Джигурда: «Теперь я буду вызывать духов на греческой вилле для миллионеров»

      Villa, where the centre is located 70 km from the Greek ski resort of Parnassos. “Marina and Lucy have traveled a lot in search of a place for conducting ceremonies and stood on it,” continues the actor. – At school, taught philosophy, medicine, occult practices, Greek rites. It’s already working, but there still being renovated, but it is expensive. The Villa is set in a separate town where only the millionaires, and should correspond to the level. In the neighbouring mountains there are temples, where services are held, and soon will be an indoor festival, it will be elitist: the mirrors, the candles, the portal through which we’ll call the souls of the dead. This will be my work”.