Линдси Лохан продолжает отдыхать с греческим миллионером в Греции

Parting with Egor Tarasovym though it was hard for Lindsay Lohan, but she quickly mastered her emotions and found solace in the company of another man. A new friend, with whom the actress spends time, became a businessman Denis Papageorgiu.

The pair deny that they share some romance, however, the last days of summer and early autumn, Dennis and Lindsay met in the company of each other.

Now the couple is in Greece, where swimming, go to the beach, lunch, walk and go to parties.

Recently Lil a millionaire again came under the scope of the paparazzi when they went on the boat.

Note that the Lohan and Papageorgiu met at her birthday party. By the way, while the actress was still in a relationship with Tarasovym.

However, to grieve for the fact that Lindsay broke up with Yegor’s not worth it. According to celebrity dad, Michael Lohan, Tarasov was close to killing his daughter: “He grabbed my daughter by the arms and throat. Her friends said that after that she was covered in bruises. I thought he’d at least call me and apologize for it, but he didn’t”.