Герой Джонни Депп будет расследовать убийства Тупака и Notorious BIG

Johnny Depp loves a strange role. Almost all the characters he embodied on the screen, very different from the rest a kind of mysticism. This time the Hollywood actor will play a detective who will try to prevent the murders of Tupac Shakur and his fellow rapper Notorious BIG.

Герой Джонни Депп будет расследовать убийства Тупака и Notorious BIG
Detective Russell Poole, the real police investigator, who was investigating the murder of hip-hop musicians. During the investigation he came to the conclusion that some officers of his own Los Angeles police Department are guilty of the deaths of celebrities.

In 2005, the mother of Notorious BIG has sued the police, but her case mysteriously disappeared in 2010.
The film “Labyrinth” based on the eponymous book by journalist Randall Sullivan. Will be directed by Brad Furman, who shot the film “Researcher” Bryan Cranston. In the heart of the book, the hypothesis that the rappers were shot with the filing of the so-called “gangsta cops”. This was said by numerous sources, but the official police investigator of Greg Kazinga his staff do not appear, only mentions a gang of criminals.
For johnny Depp it will be the first film in which he will star since his divorce from his wife.