Звезда сериала «Ольга» Яна Троянова потеряла сына The heir of the actress committed suicide a few years ago. Son Yana Troyanova has contacted the bad company began to use drugs and alcohol. According to relatives, took their genes. The young man was not able to overcome bad habits.

      Звезда сериала «Ольга» Яна Троянова потеряла сына

      Today on TNT street the series “Olga”. The plot Olya Terentyeva, the heroine Troyanova, drags himself to the whole family – two children and her alcoholic father. To play a woman with a tough character and hard fate actress born in the disadvantaged area of Yekaterinburg, was easy. I didn’t had a lot of challenges.

      Troyanova said in an interview that her first husband Constantine Shirinkin, whom she married immediately after high school, liked to drink. After the birth of a son If in 1990 it has not changed habits. Once severely beaten Troyanovo, broke her nose. She walked away from him. Shirinkin took to drink even more, he died in 2004 due to an ulcer.

      “In the mid-90s, we went to Yana to visit,” recalls classmate Vyacheslav motherless. – Nick’s mom was like. He was then in kindergarten. Ian pulled all by yourself. Tried to protect his son from the bad world.”

      When Nicholas was 4 years old, Ian received at the Ekaterinburg theatrical Institute and became a play in the theater “Teatron”. Received a penny and was all ready for my son.

      “Nick grew up like a normal teenager,” recalls Elena, the sister of the actress. – Played sports, played hockey. Normally I studied. All was well until, until they moved to another area. The nephew fell in with bad company. Drugs, alcohol. Everyone noticed the change in the stake. Jan tried to spend more time with him, helped with money. After school, he never studied, didn’t work. We all told him that it was time to take action. But he didn’t hear. We were unable to save him from death. They took their genes”.
      Звезда сериала «Ольга» Яна Троянова потеряла сына

      When the boy was 20 years old, he committed suicide. “Nick hung himself – sigh cousin Victoria. – Sorry for him. But even more sorry for mother-in-law Jana Ludmila. Lost a son, a grandson, and now the second son Dylan gives room. Ve been in prison, money from home anymore. Recently released after a year of his release, and again took up the old. Drugs, alcohol”.

      Troyanova offers to help Ludmila and Vladimir Shirinkin. Yana persuades him to treatment, – says Elena Troyanova. But he would not listen. Says it’s fine. Because of this, even soured relations with the former mother-in-law. Sister hopes that he will agree.”

      Old friends of the stars are not offended that she rarely looks at his native Yekaterinburg.

      Звезда сериала «Ольга» Яна Троянова потеряла сына “Then Jana some graves remained: her first husband, a son and mother who several years ago died from cancer – said the artistic Director of “Kolyada-Theatre” Nikolay Kolyada. – God forbid someone have to bury their children.”