Врачи борются за жизнь Евгения Осина The singer was hospitalized in a Moscow hospital in serious condition. Eugene Aspen found cirrhosis of the liver. The doctors are doing everything possible to save the by hits of the 90s.

      Врачи борются за жизнь Евгения Осина

      51-year-old singer Evgeny Osin, Russian listeners remembered for such hits as “Crying girl in the machine”, “Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Rolling”, “Companion” , was in one of the Metropolitan hospitals, a few days ago. Doctors assess the condition of the contractor as severe. After careful examination of Aspen was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. According to doctors, the disease has developed due to serious alcohol abuse.

      Physicians make great efforts to the status of celebrity has stabilized. This is not the first hospitalization in Aspen due to problems with alcohol dependence. This winter, the singer spent a few days in the hospital, as it aggravated his disease.

      In the 90s aspens were at the peak of popularity. His songs were heard from the stalls, and Eugene himself even took part in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. However, the musician’s career went into decline in the mid 2000-ies. In 2012 he was still working at the school, teaching music lessons to children, and even created a group which included his daughter Agnes.

      Врачи борются за жизнь Евгения Осина

      Problems with alcohol have completely destroyed the family in Aspen. His beloved wife left artist, taking the baby with you. Eugene was very upset by these events, because they believed agniyu the most valuable person in my life. In order not to suffer from loneliness and forget about the grief, he abused alcohol.

      Suffering from alcoholism Evgeny Osin wants to see daughter

      “I fell into a situation of despair. I’m not a poor man, I got a lot of things, and women and happiness – no. Daughter doesn’t want to communicate with me for two years. I really suffer from this,” said Osin.

      The star of the ‘ 90s lives alone in a four-room apartment. He has not once complained about his health and told reporters that come to him home the doctors put a dropper. He developed pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas. Osin said in an interview that premonition that I will die soon, so does not allow himself to remarry. However, women are surrounded by Aspen affection and care. Many of the fair sex with whom he is friends, help the artist to get out of the apartment because, according to him, there reigns a real mess.

      The last album, which was released by Yevgeny Osin, became drive “Separation”, arrived on store shelves in June of this year.

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