Юлия Снигирь заговорила о больших трудностях The actress recalled how her life changed three years ago. Yuliya Snigir told that if she needed to find something new that would force her to move on. The star came to her friend Julia Peresild.

      Russian theater and film actress Yuliya Snigir was just recently released from the decree, but already fully immersed in working on new projects. Young mum bringing up son, Theodore, who was born from Eugene Tsyganov in March of this year, while also exploring interesting offers from the Directors. Yevgeny Tsyganov lives for two families

      Snigir has never concealed his love to children, which is why the actress involved in the work of the charitable Fund “Galchonok”, which helps kids with organic lesions of the Central nervous system. According to the artist, she joined the organization when she herself was a difficult period in life.

      “Three years ago I had a phase when I wanted to find something new, important, forcing to move on,” admitted Julia.

      It was at this time her friend, actress Julia Peresild suggested Snigir to cooperate with the charitable Foundation. “Participation in activities “Valconca” is an opportunity not just to help children, from which many turn away, even to know about them or not, and to change the attitude towards them in society, to reach the goodness hidden deep in the soul of each,” admitted the star.

      According to Julia, many students of the Foundation are beginning to make the first steps, learn to keep the toys and smile. To move, children need to undergo regular rehabilitation courses.

      Within the charitable organization of Julia managed to help the ten years Christine Androsovi. Two years of rehabilitation and the baby has learned to walk holding on to two hands or being in the Walker, and began to speak.

      By the way, autumn Snigir will hold on the set. In September will begin work on the detective “Operetta” directed by Vyacheslav Ross. The actress will play operupolnomochennogo that actually wanted to be an actress, so her artistry uses at work. Ayla will appear in the role of Katy Bulavino in the film adaptation of the novel A. N. Tolstoy “the ordeal” directed by Konstantin Khudyakov.

      We will remind that Yulia Snigir quickly went back to work after the birth of her son. A month after the appearance of the heir, the actress began to study the script of the film “Sisters”, and spent a lot of time in film studios “Mosfilm”. As Julia confessed Peopltalk.ru her partner in the picture will be Anya chipovskaya, with which they once worked together. Actresses playing the brothers in a performance of Konstantin Bogomolov’s “Lear”.

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