Ольга Шелест отпраздновала день рождения дочки во Франции
Little iris became the star of its first private event.

Ольга Шелест отпраздновала день рождения дочки во Франции

Baby Iris

Photo: @Instagram olgashelest Olga Shelest

It so happened that the birthday of the younger daughter Olga Shelest coincided with the release of the family of the presenter. The stellar family, made up of parents and two lovely girls, iris and Muses is located in France. However, this did not stop them to celebrate the birthday of the baby.

Ольга Шелест отпраздновала день рождения дочки во Франции

Olga Shelest with the eldest daughter Muse

Photo: @Instagram olgashelest Olga Shelest

The birthday girl, as expected blew out a candle on a birthday cake. However, to organize such a surprise was for Olga daunting task. On the eve Rustle went shopping for candles in a unity, but in the nearest shop it could not be found. In an unfortunate coincidence, the desired product was all sold out. However, the presenter did not give up and found all well cherished attribute of birthday.

Birthday girl iris with dad

Photo: @Instagram olgashelest Olga Shelest

By the way, some time ago the appearance of Olga has undergone major changes. Just over a month she managed to lose a half size. This helped her personal trainer Pilates, which gave her figure in great shape. However, according to Shelest, the extra weight is not much poisoned her life. The presenter has never hidden that strongly recovered during the second pregnancy, but after childbirth decided not to dwell on the topic of “weight loss”. As a result, the process of returning to the old forms proceeded much easier.

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