Шок! Эта лохматая блондинка и есть Санса Старк?

Star fiction Saga went outside dishevelled and with a new hair color.

20-year-old Sophie Turner, known to the world as Sansa stark, not a little alarmed fans. Always dressed to the nines, a lover of high heels and bouffant skirts, Sophie appeared on the street in a simple denim overalls and a black shirt.

But most of all surprised hairstyle celebrity, or rather, its absence. It seems the actress did not even bother to reach for a comb. And as he got out of bed and went out. And TA-dam, became the ashy blonde.

Fans of the star were, to put it mildly, shocked and already threw the actress requests to bring back all the color of the hair.

“Ginger you were brighter, White color is not yours”, “Bring back Sansa stark!” – write fans.

Well, it is possible that the changes are only temporary. After shooting a new season of “Game of thrones” hasn’t started yet! Sophie has some time to relax and poeksperimentirovat over their own appearance.

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