Андрей Гайдулян снова разругался с невестой Previously Andrew Hagolan tried to adjust the work schedule so to have time to relax with your beloved. However, to keep the word could not, and Diana ochilova a serious offense. The beloved actor was forced to go on a trip to Italy alone.

      In the life of Andrei Giulana, which is now being starred in the sequel “I” serious passions boil. “StarHit” already wrote about the fact that the actor and his bride Diana is a real Italian couple. Surrounded by lovers repeatedly said that they live on a powder keg. Just recently, Andrew and Diana, who not long ago came together after a breakup, again quarreled.

      “Diana was planning to go on vacation with Andrew, told the “StarHit” friends of the couple. But he has a lot of work, and the trip was always postponed. In the end, he asked me to go in the fall, when he will have a few free days, but then these dates has been called into question. In the end, Diana freaked out and flew to Rimini without him.”

      On vacation Ochilboy is her friend. Judging by the photos in Instagram, she has the best time: day basking and sunbathing, and in the evening walks and looks in a local cafe. Meanwhile, Andrew Hagolan is removed in the third part of the series “Sashatanya”, and therefore constantly busy.

      Recall that in early summer Hagolan returned to work after an illness. 32-year-old actor for almost a year fighting with cancer – lymphoma of the mediastinum and defeated the disease. Treatment in a German clinic has borne fruit, and Andrei arrived in Moscow this winter. “StarHit” reported that now in the life of the famous artist, everything is in order – he was able to quickly start work and to establish a relationship with the beloved.

      “I am very happy that everything is as before, – has shared with “StarHit” Andrew. – Back in the saddle and it is great! Shooting the sequel “I” isn’t my only work this year, many proposals. I feel great. Monthly tests – and so for many years. This requirement of doctors who monitor my health. My dream is to return to the sport. To recover quickly, and began to swim. I hope, will soon resume Jogging in the Park.

      Probably in the near future Giulano and his bride would still be able to reconcile. When the lovers came together after the break up, they made it clear to fans that will continue to cherish relations and to always be each other’s support. By the way, the friends of Andrew and Diana are confident that they will keep the promise.

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