Миллионер Вакки ест пасту с газировкой и не толстеет

The body of this man the world admires. Someone sits on a diet, to at least come close to similar results. And Wakka, meanwhile, is eating pasta and drinking forbidden drinks!

Their half-naked pictures of Italian millionaire made the whole world take a closer look at myself in the mirror. In my 49 years of Wakka will give odds of youth, his body seems to be composed only of muscle and cubes! For everyone wondering how he manages to maintain this form.

“All in Italy”, say some. They say that the Italians live in a wonderful climate, not working too hard, eating on schedule, go to bed early – and the result is evident.

“Yes, that’s not it – sarcastically noticed by others, and in the money!”

Sometimes people think that millionaires do not get out of beauty salons and plastic clinics. Of course, they can afford much more than ordinary people, but some operations will not achieve such a result.

“Most likely, Gianluca sitting on a strict diet – suggest the third. — He probably has a personal chef who cooks him just the right dishes. And we, ordinary people, forced to eat in public institutions.”

Limit yourself in everything, you say? As it is not so! The Vacca, as it turned out, indulging in forbidden pleasures. Recently, he posted another photo from her boat. In the frame sealed the millionaire’s dinner: huge plate of spaghetti and a can of soda!

Why so unfair the world is! Why one can eat pasta with soda and look stunning, and others have to count calories?

One can only hope that Vacca feeds on so it’s not every day that he’s just to tease us decided. And after this bowl of pasta, he certainly went on a three-hour training session.

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