Линдси Лохан боится за свою жизнь
The actress hired a new bodyguard for protection from her ex-fiancé.

Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabanov

Photo: @lindsaylohan/Instagram

Lindsay Lohan the first time
commented on the situation in his personal life after the scandal, the main
attended her now-ex-boyfriend — Yegor Tarabanov. “I
very scary! I fear for my life!” — said the actress. In an interview
edition Daily Mail she
revealed new details of the events of that night when she ran onto the balcony
his London home, calling for help, claiming her boyfriend tried
to kill.

“Before we were on
a party and I hardly slept. So I decided to go to go to bed early, and Egor went to have fun in
club. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was already night. And I saw that he was standing by
my bed and looks at me. And then he attacked me. He was clearly not in
yourself and very aggressive. He started to strangle me and almost killed…” — said

Until recently
many were skeptical of Lohan claims that her former fiancé could
to behave in a similar way. However, recently in the network leaked video
which depicted a quarrel Lindy and Yegor happened before the scandal
London. Witnesses were able to film as Lohan, in the heat of a debate with
Tarasovym, tossed his phone in the car, where they drove together. And then she
ran out of the car, and he rushed over to Lindsay, caught up with her and began roughly
to twist her hands. The expression on his face and he was really threatening.

The first few days
after the scene played out in London, Lindsay believed that reconciliation with Egor
it is still possible. But then she realized that the way back to her. “No
a woman does not want to stay with your boyfriend, if he was so mean to her, and then
still did not want to apologize! I realized that in a relationship love is not enough…” said Lohan. And added that for her it was a very bitter lesson.

Lindsay took
the decision to start a new life. For a start, it intends to leave London, where
spent the last few years and to move to America. “Now I probably
should focus all efforts on my career!” she said. And as
Lohan fears that Tarasov can follow her over the ocean to try her again
to attack, she hired a skilled bodyguard Mark behar, who
trust, because he first has firmly
provided for her safety — a few years ago when she lived in new York.

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