Амаль и Джордж Клуни рассказали о своем эмигрантском прошлом

Last month during a business trip to Berlin, Amal and George Clooney met with three refugee families from Syria. Tuesday video was posted and now we have the opportunity to learn about what the star couple were talking with the Syrians.

As it turned out, George and Amal shared his personal experience of emigration and talked about how he himself was not easy to become a part of the country where they arrived after leaving their homeland.

“I’m an Irishman in America, ‘said George. A hundred years ago, my family was refugees. To the Irish in America were treated terribly, for a long period of time we did not accept. Later, America learned to be loyal to immigrants.”

The story was picked up by Clooney his wife Amal. The human rights activist told me that her family comes from Lebanon and he himself had to flee from the war: “We are very fortunate that in 1982 we took a European state, in a difficult time, when the level of violence was very high.”

“Many years later, when things got better, my father went to Beirut and I hope that you too will be able to return home, where they will feel safe”, — summed up Amal, referring to the Syrian refugees.


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