Арнольд Шварценеггер поздравил Сталлоне с днем рождения издевкой

The rivalry between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone lasts for several decades. And though openly about their competition celebrity never said, everyone knew that where there is Arnie should not be Slaya and Vice versa.

Because even more surprising was the greeting Schwarzenegger Stallone happy birthday.

The role of rocky was celebrating his birthday. The actor turned 70 years old. Despite the seemingly kind gesture – holiday greetings, even here Arnold couldn’t help myself and quipped comrade.

“Happy birthday, my friend Sylvester Stallone! You have so many things to celebrate: family, awards, success, and age, which will always be greater than mine!” stressed younger than him by two years Schwarzenegger.

In addition to the message he attached more and classic picture where they are dancing together.

Subscribers Schwarzenegger incredibly liked the joke of their idol, which they said 240 thousand “likes”.


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