Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

We have often written about succulents and the characteristics of their cultivation. These plants are very undemanding, they do not need much water and soil. That is why they can grow in almost any pot into which is placed a handful of earth. But there are people who care even for succulents seem tedious, and they make a choice in favor of artificial flowers. In this article we’ll show you how in just a few minutes to make flower pot from wood for faux succulents.

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

Materials and tools:

  • a small cut of a thick branch or tree trunk
  • sandpaper
  • stain and varnish
  • artificial succulent
  • glue gun (optional)

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

How to make a decorative flower pot with his hands

Prepare a piece of trunk or thick branch of the tree. The saw cut is desirable to make at a small angle to the vertical axis. Remove the bark from the tree, if desired, treat the blank with stain or varnish open.

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

In the center of the top of the saw cut, drill a small hole. Varying sizes of drills in the Central part of the drill hole.

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

Pick up a drill, the diameter of which coincides with the thickness of the stem of your artificial succulent, and drill them a hole in the middle of the recess, hole depth of about a centimeter.

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

Cut the stem to the desired length. Insert it into the hole. If you want the plant kept safer, you can use hot glue.

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

Как сделать цветочный горшок для суккулентов из дерева

That’s all. The whole project takes a few minutes, and the pot plant are rather cute.

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