Наргиз Закирова встретилась лицом к лицу с мужем, который угрожает ей The singer and her husband announced claims against each other. Nargiz Zakirova told about what the hell has become of her life after she decided to divorce her husband. Blessed star defended himself before the face of the public.

      Наргиз Закирова встретилась лицом к лицу с мужем, который угрожает ей

      After scandal in the family of the singer Nargiz Zakirova few months watching the whole country. Marriage star hangs in the balance. The husband of the actress who became famous in Russia after taking part in the show “the Voice”, she requires a large sum of money and sends her threats from the United States, where he lives with his children.

      Nargiz Zakirova: scandals, magic and men in the life of the singer

      “He shouted: “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill your bastard son,” – said Nargiz in the program “live”. – General we have the youngest daughter of sixteen. And the sons he adopted, fostered, but not adopted.”
      Наргиз Закирова встретилась лицом к лицу с мужем, который угрожает ей

      After Nagris struck a resounding glory in Russia, it started here make good money, family problems began. The husband was sitting home in the U.S. with children, it never worked. The singer contained the whole family. She invited the beloved to be creative and to educate heirs. Then the husband hinted that he got into debt.

      Meanwhile, Philip told the editors show that the debt he had due to the construction of a recording Studio, which he and his wife long dreamed of. She refused to find finances, and this made him angry, because it was agreed that Agris brings home the money.

      During a teleconference, organized on a show in a state of conflict spouses were able to Express to each other all claims.

      “You went to Moscow and entrusted all of our children under my care. – Philip added that the family had problems and he took them on himself. – Why are you doing me a monster?”

      Experts in the Studio “Live” suggested that the cause of the aggressive behavior Phil for Nagris could be his jealousy, because his wife lived and worked in another country, far from it. “In response to this, a person can fall into a deep depression. And to get out of it, he may try any drugs,” – said the expert.

      “We do not imee right to intervene in your situation. But believe me, everything is reversed, if there is love. Not any request to ignore. You are a unique woman, amazingly talented. Try to cross myself,” he tried to reconcile Nargis with husband actress Elena Proklova.

      Daughter Nargiz Zakirova still live with my dad

      Lawyer Sergei Zhorin, in contrast, hinted that if not to feel sorry for Philip, after his threats and extortion of money he can go to jail. Nargis replied that it is not ready to go for it, because she and her husband have a daughter together, who wanted to support his father in a difficult moment for him.

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