Дэвид Бекхэм спас бизнес жены от разорения

David and Victoria Beckham once again showed, with whom should take an example not only as a beautiful, loyal, loving spouses, but a reliable shoulder, which is always ready to help. Such a simple concept as mutual familiar Victoria and David firsthand. As reported by the Western tabloids, it is her husband Vicky obliged the that its a business, on which she has worked long and hard, is not bankrupt, but has managed to stay afloat and even gain a place in the fashion world.

Secular observers learned from informants that the player has recently funded fashion brand Victoria, which last year suffered significant losses.

Financial loss brand the ex-spice things for the past year amounted to $ 5.5 million. In order not to lose what the Wiki worked, David has invested her business, thus saved him from ruin. The transaction amount was equal to 7.5 million.

Loss Victoria Beckham brought a new boutique in Central London. At its opening, took nearly 4.3 million dollars, and the costs until paid off. However, David believes in success and the couple is ready to support her in difficult times.

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