Леонардо ДиКаприо выступит свидетелем на суде по делу о «Волке с Уолл-стрит»

On June 16 in new York, held a hearing at which it was decided to attract Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio to the trial concerning the libel in the Martin Scorsese film “the Wolf of wall street”.

Despite the fact that DiCaprio is involved indirectly, and the plaintiff could not explain why this witness important to the case, the court granted the petition.

A new trial date has not yet been determined.

Recall the lawsuit in the amount of $ 25 million sued the producers of the film “the Wolf of wall street” broker Andrew Greene.

According to Greene, he became the prototype of the hero Nicky Koskoff – ambiguous character in the film that no one takes seriously.

“The motion picture contains various scenes where the character of Mr. green is portrayed as a criminal, drug addict, degenerate, and a man devoid of any morals and ethics,” reads the lawsuit. According to green, “the Wolf of wall street” caused damage by portraying him in such a role.

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