Мила Кунис и Эштон Кутчер ждут второго ребенка

After 1 year and 8 months after the birth of her daughter Wyatt the actress is pregnant again.

Happy news to People magazine confirmed the official representative kunis, the sex of the baby is still unknown.

The news was not unexpected – in October last year, Mila, answering the question as it pertains to further increase the size of its family, with enthusiasm he answered, “Yes! Of course!” Her husband is also very positively embraced its new role as a dad. “Ashton literally lights up when he begins to talk about her daughter, told People magazine one of his friends. – All aspects of fatherhood, gives him a keen interest”. So a mutual enthusiasm 38-year-old Ashton and a 32-year-old Mila, who got married in July last year, ultimately led to the quite natural and joyful result.

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