Семейная идиллия: Вера Брежнева с сестрами поздравляет маму

Last week, the mother of the singer celebrated the day of birth. This celebration of Faith with the sisters do not miss ever.

Tamara V. Galushko lucky, she has four daughters, Galina, Vera, Anastasia and Victoria, five granddaughters and two grandsons! All this huge family lives in different countries, but every year gathers together to congratulate her.

Though this time, it seems, the older Galina could not come, but, nevertheless, participated in the recording of video greetings.

Touching movie, where everything from small to large and joyfully shout: “Grandma, happy birthday!”, “Dear mom, happy birthday” and send Tamara Vitalievna air kisses, was published by Vera Brezhneva.

Video has been viewed over 450 thousand people and as one write that the family of Faith just fine. Only men enough fans here apparently hinting that the Faith as a young wife should think about this question.

Mommy favorite, with DNM Birthday. Grandchildren, children #homosociability #Cinemagine #happybirthday #babushka #bigmamma #MOM @mama4rum

Video posted by Vera Brezhneva (@ververa) Jun 8, 2016 at 11:59 PM PDT

By the way, the birthday girl Tamara Galushko also did not stay aside and wrote back to relatives on his page in Instagram.

“I thank all my rodnulik! I love you, my little good heart, loved immensely and always your loving mA,” wrote Tamara Vitalievna.

Some subscribers called the mother of Faith a photocopier…And all because of all the women of her family are similar to each other and crazy beautiful.

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