Актер, сыгравший Альфа, впал в кому A man a few years ago suffered a stroke. Mihai (Michu) Meszaros, made famous by a popular film in America in the late 80-ies, before he was taken to a clinic in Los Angeles. The actor was discovered in the bathroom and called the doctor his Manager.

      Актер, сыгравший Альфа, впал в кому

      Sad news coming from overseas. Actor of Hungarian origin, Mihai Mesaros, best known for the role of the alpha alien in the eponymous American TV series, is in a coma.

      According to the tabloid TMZ, the day before, on 12 June 76-year-old actor was urgently taken to a hospital Los Angeles in serious condition. Mihai Mesaros went into a coma according to his Manager Dennis Varga, doctors have warned the environment of the artist that they need to prepare for the worst.

      “The predictions of doctors disappointing,” – said in an interview with the Manager of actor Dennis Varga.

      Varga also told reporters that he found the Meszaros in serious condition in the bathroom, and then called paramedics. In addition, the Manager actor added that he was strictly forbidden to connect yourself to the life support system it is Known that a few years ago, Mihai Meszaros suffered a stroke, the consequences of which are constantly made itself felt.

      Actor mihály mészáros, the growth of which only 83 cm, listed in the Guinness Book of records as the smallest man on the planet. Few people know that he started his career as a circus artist, and the audience around the world he is remembered and loved by role of a charismatic alien alpha from the same series. Doll alien was ruled by the Creator of the picture of Paul Fusco, however, when Alf was supposed to appear in the frame in full growth, its role was played by mihály mészáros.

      Актер, сыгравший Альфа, впал в кому

      The film “Alf” ( A. L. F.) literally translates to English as alien life form (Alien Life Form) is an American Comedy television series that was created in 1986 by Alien Productions TV company. The project was extremely popular among the people all over the world, starred with the sequel and has four seasons. The show “Alf” was aired in more than 80 countries. In Russia, he was on several TV channels, with several iterations, starting from 1996 to the beginning of the two thousandth, and probably not in our country the person would not be familiar with charismatic alien Alf. And we can safely say that this series is a whole generation of viewers.

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