Собчак пошутила, и живот накладной?

Fans suspect that leading is not pregnant, but just pretending as a joke.

The news of the pregnancy of the stars is driving the public mad. While journalists are attacking the relatives and friends of Ksenia Sobchak herself remains silent. Meanwhile the fans became suspicious. In social networks and then assume that star could easily all play, what and wear… invoice belly!

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In favor of the conjecture by drawing say a few facts. First, most recently, Ksenia was in the Maldives and showed pictures in bikinis, which she has perfect abs. The same could not stomach grow in a matter of weeks?

Even Ksenia deftly landed on splits, what pregnant girl does not, so as not to harm health.

And secondly, we all know that Sobchak knows how to attract attention. And the reason Xenia is, today will Award MUZ-TV, where the star stands leading. Why not stir up interest in the event? In order to look at a pregnant Sobchak, fans will buy all the tickets!

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Perhaps the leading pregnancy – it is a clever PR stunt. But there are facts in favor of truth.

A few months ago Sobchak has published in Instagram photo absolutely ordinary. Subscribers have noticed that the publication was done in clinical hospital “Lapino”, where, as you know, have all the Russian stars, except those that fly abroad.

“Ksenia, you’re pregnant?” – posibilitado questions from users.

Leading, naturally, said nothing.

In any case, we played Xenia or not, we learn already today, when we see a star on MUZ-TV.

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