Сколько стоит пригласить звезду на свой праздник
7days.EN publishes fees famous people for speaking at corporate events.

Сколько стоит пригласить звезду на свой праздник

Ivan Urgant

Photo: Elena Sukhova

Maxim Galkin

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Many people would like to invite to lead your birthday, wedding or corporate event a famous master or to see on stage your event popular singer, but I don’t know how much it costs. Prices, of course, “bite”, but can there be something more interesting than counting other people’s money.

So, among the leading (according to the company “Empire of Music”) the highest fee for their work today asks Maxim Galkin. If you want to guide your event, you will have to shell out a tidy sum in 85 thousand euros. Of course, for all costs associated with the relocation of the artist and his representative in another city, the responsible receiving party. But this is described in detail in Ryder stars, which provides directly at the time of negotiations.

Ivan Urgant evaluates its work on the corporate party of 50 thousand euros, and his colleagues on the First channel — Dmitry Nagiev and Alexander Tsekalo, will hold the event for 45 thousand. Not together, of course. This figure is specified in the “price” for each separately. Another 5 thousand in the European currency cost less Garik Martirosyan — 40 thousand. Alexander Revva and Sergei Svetlakov give voice to rather “affordable” price for the services leading to 30 thousand euros, and Valery Syutkin — “only” 25 Grand.

The price level for the performance of Russian singers for the holidays is slightly higher. The leader of the so-called “market” star is Alla Pugacheva. It is possible to invite to the event as much as 250 thousand euros. Representatives of the rock industry — Garik Sukachev, group “mummies the Troll” and “Leningrad” are willing to give a small concert for a fee of 80 thousand euros. The ex — husband of Diva- Philip can earn for the evening, 70 thousand euros, and long-time rival Diva Sofia Rotaru, will be asked 50 thousand. However, this price tag is very common. For the same amount are Alsu and Valery Meladze, Irina Allegrova, “the time Machine”, Yuri Antonov and many others. Literally 5 thousand euros less than in 45 — can sing Valery Leontiev and Nikolai Baskov.

However, prices are not final. As founders of the company, any price tag can vary by 5-10% depending on various circumstances. But new year’s eve all fees stars rise at least 30 percent!

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