Меган Фокс надоело быть секс-символом
Hollywood actress Megan Fox in a Frank interview admitted that he no longer wants to be a sex symbol.

Меган Фокс надоело быть секс-символом

30-year-old star and mother of two sons said she was tired from what all consider her a sex symbol – despite the fact that many publications include her in their rankings of the sexiest Actresses, thus increasingly securing this status for Megan, she has struggled to get rid of it.

Меган Фокс надоело быть секс-символом

“Because of the imposed image, I often think that people don’t take me seriously. They see only the exterior, everything else goes by the wayside. The image of me only as a sex symbol prevents to believe that I, for one, is very keen on archaeology and the Ancient world,” admitted Megan. And it is possible to agree, as a society, despite all the things that women have achieved, there still persists the stereotype of the “beautiful – so stupid.”

Меган Фокс надоело быть секс-символом

Меган Фокс надоело быть секс-символом

But we can not say that Megan built this image of herself on the screen she always appeared a raving beauty, in fact on this image and lined up her film career. And to get rid of him now will be very difficult.

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