Экс-участница «ВИА Гры» раскрыла секрет стройности Tatyana Kotova shared useful advice on weight loss. Former soloist of the trio “VIA Gra” did not hide how she manages to keep herself in great shape. It turns out that star abides by simple rules.

      Экс-участница «ВИА Гры» раскрыла секрет стройности

      Participate in the popular trio “VIA Gra” became the soloist for each original card. Even after leaving the girl group continue to be sex symbols and to delight fans of perfect forms. No exception and Tatyana Kotova, who to “VIA gra” represented Russia at the contest “Miss World-2007” and “Miss universe-2007”. Who better than her to know the secrets of harmony and charm.

      It turns out that the recipe for beauty from Tatiana is not difficult. “Everything has rhythm – the heartbeat, clock, steps, times of the year, song of the train… Here, I was convinced of how important it is to follow your own rhythm and individual – shared Kotova with their podeschi in Instagram. – In the morning we can eat anything, even a sweet dessert, but in the second half of the day, it is best to eliminate the consumption of fruits and vegetables and substitute raw vegetables in boiled or steamed. And, of course, after seven – mouth on the lock and the key in the water.”

      “Very beautiful! From your posts a lot take note, thank you”, “Beauty of ours, Tanya, thank You for everything”, “I like you very much too much respect and thanks,” wrote in response to the grateful followers.

      It is interesting that now, Tatiana continues her solo career of the singer, but eyeing the movie industry. On account of the ex-soloist of group “VIA Gra” already has multiple roles. But the sexy blonde is not going to stop there.

      “Why not offer me the role of the great schemer, the detective or scientist? I’m always impressed by the heroine that is able to play cat and mouse with the coolest bosses in the world, able to be both a lure and a trap, defenseless, weak, and passionate-strong,” admitted Kotov in an interview.

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