Ева Польна рассказала об отношениях с Денисом Клявером
The singer shared his impressions from regular meetings with a former lover.

Ева Польна рассказала об отношениях с Денисом Клявером

Denis Klyaver and Eva Polna with her daughter Evelyn

Photo: @denisklyaver (Instagram Denis Claver)

Eva Polna is quite common with the father of her eldest
daughter Evelyn — Denis Claverham. But in recognition of the singer, they behave and sometimes not at all
as parents. Recently, Eva has published on his page in the social network photo
the next meeting with Denis.

“Mom and dad, — has signed a snapshot of eve. — Well, adults
people like. And no seriousness. Hooligans! Meet and start the jokes
indecent to tell. No to on high!”.

Recall, 6 years Eva Polna concealed the name of the father of his daughter
Evelyn. The mystery has opened itself Denis Cleaver, which is all told in the Andrew
Malakhova. In an exclusive
an interview with the magazine “7 Days” Eva Polna told about how was their
relations with Claverham and what is the role of the singer in the education of daughters.

Eva and Dennis

“Between us there is no conflict. You know, a man and a woman is
one story. Parents and children — is quite different. I want my daughters had
the Pope, who cheer them on, help, support. In life the girls are very
important paternal support. But to tell Evelyn or Amalia, my father was like this
lovely and wonderful, or conversely, to criticize him — I will not. Why
to artificially create a myth to say that my father — Gagarin when he’s not
Gagarin?! Girls will understand when you’re older. They are all before my eyes. I
and you don’t want to lie that they are four times per week you communicate, spend time together all
free time. I’m not going to think that Dennis goes to the parent
meetings at school, where he studied Evelyn, and Sergei gave Amalia pony (Sergey,
businessman, father of the youngest daughter, Amalia. — Approx. ed.). No, he didn’t give her
ponies, besides, we have nowhere to keep him. And Denis is not the perfect father. But my
daughter happy because of their love”. The full interview can be read here eve

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