Анфиса Чехова подарила сыну на день рождения путешествие
Solomon went with his parents to St. Petersburg.

Анфиса Чехова подарила сыну на день рождения путешествие

Anfisa and Guram Solomon

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

Anfisa Chekhova and Guram bablishvili celebrate the fourth birthday of the son
Solomon: since the boy loves to ride in trains, my parents decided to give him a trip to Saint Petersburg. Holiday
started the morning over Breakfast in a favorite cafe North of the capital.

“Four years ago my life changed dramatically — shared
Anfisa. — Come to me my little teacher, my source of unconditional love,
my vaccination against selfishness, my space, my incredible sweet boy! Thank you,
my happiness is that you lit up our lives with his cheerful laughter, love, his
delicious smell, batter and games, their individual qualities,
we see and admire! We learn from you to enjoy this life
just like that, every day, like Wake up! You’re our dad — Everything! We
love you more than anything”.

Solomon of St. Petersburg with a friend celebrates his birthday at Breakfast

Photo: @achekhova (Instagram Anfisa Chekhova)

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