Coach and esoteric Victoria Ruchka: Victoria Ruchka is a coach, mentor, esotericist, and spiritual guide.

Coach and esoteric Victoria Ruchka: She came to the realization of her mission as a guide by the age of 36. A successful businesswoman, a top expert in printing, she felt an irresistible inner need to share her superpowers, which she had possessed since childhood, with others. Now Victoria conducts transformational sessions that change people's lives, reveal their potential and give energy for decisive action.

Everything around strives for balance

Today, people are gradually coming to the realization that the world is not only the matter that surrounds us. It is much more multifaceted and includes many subtle layers invisible to the eye. And all these components represent energy that does not disappear, but only transforms, taking on various forms. But at the same time, the systems that fill our world always strive for balance (this is the basis of the law of karma). If you understand how they function, you can create favorable conditions for your development, achieve your goals.

Coach and esoteric Victoria Ruchka: “Everything on earth is based on balance: when it is disturbed, problems arise. We do not always understand why various anomalies occur, but by looking at the situation from different angles, we can see that everything has its justice and place. This approach helps to free up energy for creative actions, instead of wasting it on emotional attachments.”
Diseases and failures, according to Victoria, are the results of negative thoughts and emotions, most of which arise automatically. Gradually, they accumulate and create an energy clot. Having learned to be aware of one's thoughts, a person receives a powerful tool that can radically change one's life. But for this, it is important to recognize that you yourself created the situation and take responsibility for your thoughts, experiences, and actions. This is where internal transformation begins.

Coach and esoteric Victoria Ruchka:

“People come to me with various requests, but most want money, professional and personal development. However, in the process of work it often turns out that a person is not ready for the level of responsibility that comes with growth. For some, this is a burden, for others, a prison. There are many internal interweavings, and solutions often do not lie at the level of the mind,” says coach and esotericist Victoria Ruchka.
Transformational group: the path from illusions to reality
Transformational group is a 6-week program by Victoria Ruchka, which includes online meetings, sessions where a mentor and esotericist answers individual questions. Participants are also given tasks to work through limiting attitudes, increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

But the main thing: everyone who comes to the group is required to be totally honest with themselves and with the world. This is where any personal transformation begins. When illusions go away, solid ground remains under your feet. It becomes the support on which the foundation of financial stability and personal growth will subsequently be built.

“I do not give people mystical rituals, meditative practices, I do not use lofty expressions. On the contrary: I try to speak in simple words, I offer specific steps that can be implemented in everyday life and get results. The soul of each of us is the energy of God, and pure contact with it allows you to get everything you need: money, fulfillment, relationships. This is a much more effective path than any occult practices,” says esotericist Victoria Ruchka.

The Transformation Group works with ancestral and reincarnation programs through consciousness and energies using such modern approaches as legalization of truth or soul therapy. Victoria shows how esoteric ideas manifest themselves in the material world and how you can influence your self-perception and the course of events through spiritual work on yourself.
“Each of us is responsible for our own thoughts and emotions, and the transformation of our internal environment begins with the awareness of this fact,” says coach and spiritual mentor Victoria Ruchka.

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