Aglaya Tarasova starred in the new Rammstein video 29-year-old star of the films “Ice” and “Ice 2 “Aglaya Tarasova took part in the filming of the music video.

Aglaya Tarasova starred in the new Rammstein video
And not for anyone, but for Till Lindemann himself. The corresponding frames, however, have so far appeared only in the format of a short teaser.

It is noted that the director and actress Anna Tsukanova-Kott became the creator of the clip. And her colleague on the national scene took a direct part in it, trying on a very unusual image.

Aglaya Tarasova starred in the new Rammstein video

Aglaya posted a fragment of the work on the page in their social networks, saying that the premiere will take place just the other day, on September 8.

Aglaya Tarasova starred in the new Rammstein video

By the way, this is the first work of the Rammstein soloist after a break due to scandalous proceedings. The fact is that a few months ago, about 10 Till fans accused him of violence.

The girls turned to the police and wrote statements against Lindemann. Later it turned out that Alena Makeeva, who allegedly invited fans of interest to the musician, could be involved in this. However, none of the potential victims brought any real charges, and the case was closed.

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