Alena Vodonaeva spoke about Pavel Priluchny's family Pavel Priluchny, after a divorce from Agatha Muceniece, found happiness in his second marriage with Zepyur Brutyan.

Alena Vodonaeva spoke about Pavel Priluchny's family The couple recently became parents and enjoy spending time together. But Paul does not forget about older children either. Now he, along with a new family and offspring from Agatha, is resting in the Maldives. Together with them, the actor's mother went to the islands.

Alena Vodonaeva spoke about Pavel Priluchny's family

Priluchny's family photo Alena Vodonaeva commented ironically.

“Looking at these photos, I understand why I have been dating only young men without children for more than 10 years. I do not need a gypsy camp. I work, I have time and resources only for myself and my son, I love being alone “When I get tired, I don't want unnecessary noise and interference. I don't want a family. I don't want someone to have my brain. My son's energy is already for ten,” Vodonaeva said.

She herself has been divorced from her son's father for more than ten years and assures that civilized relations have been preserved between them.

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