Liza Polygalova, participant of the Dom-2 show who lost her child, is getting married Recently in the life of a reality TV participant show “Dom-2” by Lisa Polygalova, a tragedy occurred: she survived a frozen pregnancy.

Liza Polygalova, a participant in the Dom-2 show who lost her child, is getting married The father of the unborn baby was her ex-young man Ivan Barzikov, with whom the TV star broke up even before she found out about the pregnancy.

However, pleasant chores are finally waiting for the girl, because her new lover and part-time stripper Ilya Bazhenov proposed to Lisa a marriage proposal.

Liza Polygalova, a participant in the show "Dom-2", who lost her child, is getting marriedIt happened in the finals of the “Person of the Year” contest. This act came as a surprise to the couple's friends. Polygalova agreed, and they will soon begin to prepare for the celebration.

Recall that Ilya and Lisa declared themselves a couple not so long ago. The young man did not leave the girl, even when it turned out that she was expecting a child from the former. Bazhenov even gave Polygalova a surprise during a party in honor of the future baby, as if she were his heir.

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