This story is about two girls from Kazan. jpg” alt=””We have no competitors in the field of beauty education”: Gulnoza Eckert and Elizaveta Lyagina, the founders of the TOP Master Academy, turned the idea of ​​the beauty industry upside down” />The founders of their own school gave a long interview, where they talked about how it all began, about philosophy and mission, and about where to get strength and energy.

Elizaveta, Gulnoza, you have several higher educations and experience behind you businesses in completely different areas. How did the idea of ​​creating an online beauty school come about?

GulnozaA: First of all, we are entrepreneurs. We like to see gaps in different areas, build systems, monetize them. Online education has long stepped forward and continues to develop rapidly, however, in the field of beauty, outdated approaches and practices are still used.

Elizaveta: And if we talk about the human side, then for us, like many girls, it was simply hard to find suitable specialists for ourselves, even in big cities: either the nail plate will be damaged, or it will be filed wrong. It is interesting that foreign colleagues cannot boast of first-class service either. It turns out that the problem is ubiquitous, which means that it is necessary to change the paradigm, the format of training and its content.

So, the beauty market is now in decline?

Elizaveta: No , on the contrary, it is crowded: the number of craftsmen is growing, the price tag is also growing, but the quality of services, alas, leaves much to be desired. And he has nowhere to come from: now there are no schools on the online market that could provide fundamental knowledge and raise truly qualified personnel. Therefore, no matter how immodest it may sound, we have no competitors in the field of beauty education.

What is the philosophy and mission of your online school?

Gulnoza: First of all, high quality education and first-class customer service. We want to help girls and women to prove themselves in the beauty industry: get a skill in demand, learn how to make money on it, become independent and enjoy what you love.

And how is the online school structured?

Elizabeth: This is a space for learning, promoting and producing yourself as an expert. Everyone has a mentor who will help you get through all the difficulties; lessons are created on the principle of “micro-learning”, when the studied material can be immediately put into practice.

So, this is the main difference between you and your competitors?

Gulnoza: Our task is not for the client to come, buy and leave. We want a person to grow up in our academy. Our task is to create an entire ecosystem for craftsmen.

Who will benefit from training with you?

Gulnoza: We have several areas designed for different profiles and levels of training of specialists: from those who have decided to hone their skills for themselves to already practicing specialists with experience. Of course, the main audience is girls, but we are seeing that more and more men come and stay with us.

Do you already have student success stories?

Elizabeth: There are hundreds of them and each is unique in its own way. The beauty industry is growing rapidly, the possibilities are endless. Very young girls come to us after school, mothers on maternity leave and even women of retirement age. It's never too late to start, and a decent result comes in a couple of months. If we talk about specific examples, then just the other day our youngest student bought the first car in her life after three months of work. Isn't that great?

In order to create such a working system, you need a lot of strength and energy. Where do you get it from, what inspires you?

Gulnoza: We give everyone the opportunity to gain a skill that can be used for themselves or their own business, we create a healthy environment for development and exchange of experience. The burning eyes of like-minded people and life changing for the better – perhaps that's what inspires me.

Elizaveta: Yes, the environment and self-realization. Seeing free, beautiful, brave and, most importantly, happy people next to you is the main motivator.

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